M362 seem to be a longer module than most, even though it the same length as others, but it did at time feel like a really grind.
Sat the Exam for it on Monday 5th October 2015, I think I did ok with it, but still int he back of my head is this little niggle off whether I put enough of a effort in or not to the revision, I guess only the result can let me know that so will have to wait several weeks till it arrives.
T320 official commence on the 3rd October 2015. It looks a interesting module, but I am struggling with all this business gobbledegook, hope it doe not impact my ability to do the first TMA. But jeez its a biggy 1800 words might have to do some elasticizing of my writing to hit that!. Pity this module is all online though I do like the smell of fresh module books(bit weird I know). Any way suppose I should get back to studying and try and hammer(this might be literally true watch this space) some of this info into the old grey matter.